Do you have a working dog that needs to be challenged and fulfilled? Do they have too much energy? Do they need to be mentally stimulated and rewarded by accomplishing the tasks they were bred for? Or simply enjoy hours of fun with your dog using this premium product. The harness is made with two inch wide premium webbing across the chest and around the girth. You dog is protected with a 3 inch wide chest-guard that is a double layer of closed-cell padding that is wrapped in premium non-pilling polar-fleece. The harness has three dee-rings on it. The dee-rings on each side are what the traces get attached to. The third dee-ring on top is for an optional leash to be attached to if you want to have additional control over the dog while they are working. The traces are what attach the dog to the load that they are pulling. They are made from 1 inch wide heavy nylon webbing with a bolt-snap on each end. The traces are adjustable in length from three feet to six feet. One bolt-snap connect to the side of the harness, the other end connects to the toboggan or wagon that the dog is pulling. See our sizing chart and measuring instructions on the home page to ensure that you order the proper size harness. Included in the kit: one adjustable toboggan harness and one pair of adjustable traces.